
Chris Jones
Commercial director

Evi Hall
Managing editor

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Chris Jones
Commercial director

Evi Hall
Managing editor

Wembley Park

Major public installations

In 2018, Disegno Works commissioned two Christmas installations for London’s Wembley Park. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. by London-based design studio Committee was a set of gold-wrapped stairs, printed three times with the word “love” which shifted in and out of focus as you moved across the space. The piece was intended as a commentary on the ongoing development of the neighbourhood and the complex cultural messaging of the Christmas season. Fata Morgana by London-based Silo Studio was a glowing Christmas tree, formed from 160 green ribbons that interlaced to make up the outline of trees in a pine forest. Like the mirage for which it is named, Fata Morgana created a complex layering of images, each of which were picked out by the play of light across the installation.